
3.24 Putin signs law to expand media crackdown



ロシア 報道統制を強化

 crackdown... n. 弾圧、激しい取り締まり

 句動詞... phrasal verb


Reports of the Russian assault ウクライナへの攻撃、暴力、暴行on Ukraine have triggered outrage 激怒、憤慨 all over the world/ across the world.

Now President Vladimir Putin is cracking down 弾圧する、激しく取り締まる on journalists.

He's signed into law署名し法律として成立させる a bill 法案 that effectively halts 停止する、中断させる、休止させる the activities of many foreign news operations.

The new law sets out 設定する、出発する、始めるpenalties for individuals and organizations that allegedly申し立てによると、伝えられるところによると spread false information about military activity.


The Kremilin appears to be ramping up censorship 出版や放送などの検閲 while attempting to shut down dissent. 政府や政策に対する異議申し立て、反対意見


Authorities 当局(複数形)have already closed some independent media outletsメディアの支局、報道機関, claiming they spread fake news about Ukrainian civilians 軍人ではない一般市民、民間人 killed by Russian forces.

International media have reacted.

The BBC on Friday suspended its reporting activities 報道活動in Russia, citing *cite引用する、言及する concerns for staff safety.

It said that legislation 法律制定、立法行為 "appears to criminalize 犯罪とする the process of independent journalism.

Other organizations to halt news gathering 収集、取材 in Russia include and Bloomberg from the U.S., as well as Canada's CBC.

The clampdown 弾圧、取り締まりhas also hit social media.

 アメリカのABCニュース... American Broadcasting Company






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